Monday, June 23, 2008

Bike Rides: Saturday and Sunday, 6/21/08 and 6/22/08

The Saturday ride I had to cut short due to thunderstorms. I was going to do 65 miles or so, but I raced home due to the threatening weather, and good thing I did. I ended up doing 45 miles or so at a steady pace, and I felt really good through the whole ride. I did the Longboat Key ride, but I had a start through the Barn Loop.

Sunday I rode the Riverview and Barn Loop courses. Ended up doing 35 miles at a medium pace. Again, felt really good during the ride, my guess is that lately I'm being steady about the miles and the rides, so it's starting to pay off. I don't think my fitness is any better, I just think my legs are better.

Saturday was my youngest daughter's birthday. Happy 10th sweetie!

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