Thursday, June 5, 2008

My best friend's birthday

Today is my best friend's birthday. He's also my oldest friend, as we've been friends since we were kids. The best way to illustrate why he's my best friend is with an example.

I live in Florida. Scott (my best friend) lives in New Hampshire. But he and I grew up in Pennsylvania, and our parents still lived there. My father died in November 2002 from stomach cancer. Scott had been calling me almost daily, wanting updates and generally being there for me. As bad timing would have it, he called me just after I found that my father was going to die that day. I was getting ready to get on a plane, and just filled him in on what my brother had told me, that Dad wasn't going to last the day. He told me to call him when I knew more.

By the time I landed in PA, I met my brother's wife, who let me know Dad has passed away while I was in the air. My wife, kids, and myself went to my parent's house to be with my mom. While there I found out when Dad's service was, and as it turned out, Scott's parents called on my cell. Scott's mom and dad had been for me like another set of parents, so I was quite close to them. I told them when the service was, they said they would be there, for which I thanked them. Then I told them to tell Scott that is was ok for him to not come, as it was in the middle of the week, he would have to take off work, and I wouldn't really have much time to see him. They said they would tell him.

Scott calls me a bit later, not sounding mad but a little miffed at me. He said, and I remember this clearly, "No, I will not stay home. This is pretty important for you, and I loved your dad too. I will be there, and I'm a little surprised you think I wouldn't be".

The day of the service was a hard day, but I did see a lot of people I hadn't seen in ages, so I kept my composure. I should say I kept it until I met up with Scott and his parents. I told him, "thanks for coming", then burst into tears. I held him for a bit, then he tried to pull away, and I said, "not yet". He said, "all right, but now I'm going to start". That made me laugh a bit, so I stepped back, told him I loved him, told his parents I loved them, and moved on to another person. I lost track of them after that, as I had a lot of other things to do, but I still remember how good it felt to have him there when I needed him.

I have thought about that moment, and have determined it was probably only a minute or so. But that minute is easily the best way to describe why if friends came one to a customer, Scott would be mine.

Happy birthday, Scott.

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